
EQUIOFFICE ativa nova UNIDADE DE NEGÓCIO – Tecnologias de Informação

É com muita satisfação que se comunica, que a pedido de vários Clientes Empresariais, se decidiu ativar uma NOVA UNIDADE DE NEGÓCIO focada nas Tecnologias de Informação. Por isso, se esteve nos últimos meses a preparar exaustivamente várias parcerias estratégicas, diretamente com fabricantes e importadores, para que se possam apresentar soluções de elevado valor acrescentado.

Gestão Impressoras Multifunções

EQUIOFFICE lança Sistema Profissional de Gestão de Impressoras Multifunções

A EQUIOFFICE lançou uma plataforma inovadora para gerir o parque de milhares de equipamentos de impressão do segmento profissional. Entre as principais vantagens destacamos: O equipamento comunica com o SOFTWARE, e encomenda em tempo real o consumível necessário e sem necessidade de telefonar ou enviar e-mail, assim como, informa os contadores nesse momento – melhorando e acelerando todo o processo do envio dos consumíveis; Envia os contadores diariamente, evitando o […]

KYOCERA vence ‘Marca Sustentável do Ano 2017’

Leia a notícia completa no site oficial da Kyocera The award for Exemplary Cooperation with NGOs/NPOs was based on Kyocera Document Solutions’ long standing partnership with “Deutsche Umwelthilfe” (DUH) the highly respected German environment and consumer protection NGO, with whom they celebrate 30 years of collaboration.

Sete produtos da KYOCERA premiados com o “Summer 2017 Pick” da BLI

Leia a notícia completa no site oficial da Kyocera BLI, the world-renowned testing body which conducts in-depth, unbiased research into the document imaging industry, named both color and monochrome products as outstanding products by BLI in their Summer Pick awards 2017, with Kyocera’s color MFP models (TASKalfa 2552ci, 3552ci, 4052ci, 5052ci, 7052ci and 8052ci) and monochrome printer, ECOSYS P3055dn, all achieving recognition. The prizes acknowledge the hardware and software offerings […]

KYOCERA adquire um fornecedor líder em soluções de processos de negócios na América do Norte

Leia a notícia completa no site oficial da Kyocera In combining Kyocera’s MFP and printer technology with DataBank’s ECM and document BPO business, Kyocera will activate a new business model that will strengthen its offerings and services in the North America market to current customers and new customers alike. With the acquisition of DataBank, Kyocera will build on its expertise as a Total Document Solutions provider and accelerate the ability […]

KYOCERA recebe o prêmio de embalagem técnica no Japan Packaging Contest 2017

Leia a notícia completa no site oficial da Kyocera Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. is pleased to announce that a new packaging material for protecting the paper feeder of its printers has won the Technical Packaging Award in the Japan Packaging Contest 2017. This contest is held every year under the sponsorship of the Japan Packaging lnstitute with the aim of promoting development and spread of high-quality packages and packaging techniques […]

KYOCERA abrirá nova fábrica totalmente automatizada na China para aumentar a produção

Leia a notícia completa no site oficial da Kyocera The company’s manufacturing subsidiary in China, Kyocera Document Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “the Plant”), produces OPC drums (consumables) in addition to MFPs and printers. With orders increasing for color MFPs and printers which are sold in more than 140 countries around the world, Kyocera aims to enhance its production of drums mounted on low- to medium-speed machines and thus decided […]

KYOCERA Nomeada “Major Player” no IDC MarketScape

Leia a notícia completa no site oficial da Kyocera Kyocera has accumulated security expertise globally and with recent acquisitions of Ceyoniq and DataBank, it further enhanced the offerings in the ECM and security space to address specific line of business applications and specific vertical markets like government, financial, pharmaceutical, education, and media. According to the IDC MarketScape report, “Kyocera’s security strategy is built on approach for protecting the print and […]